The first animated feature from Netflix combines groundbreaking technology, a witty premise and some seriously nasty protagonists to create a Christmas story to please your inner Scrooge, writes Alex Dudok de Wit.
From ponderous pooches to battalions of bears, the latest crop of feature films from Annecy Film Festival combine astonishing visual worlds with engaging stories, further proving the limitless creative potential of animation. Alex Dudok de Wit picks his top five.
The experimentation possible in short film remains at the heart of the animation festival’s mission and this year, the programme contained excitingly vivid storytelling and innovative technique, reports Alex Dudok de Wit.
As the British Museum celebrates manga in a blockbuster exhibition, we take a look at some of the most intriguing and low-key work by the man who invented Astro Boy, writes Alex Dudok de Wit.
Reteaming with his studio alma mater, former misfit laureate Tim Burton fails to breach the corporate glass with either wit or weird, says Alex Dudok de Wit.
Sibling rivalry begets Duplo apocalypse in this relentlessly irreverent second serving of the plastic fantastic branding caper with a void at its core, says Alex Dudok de Wit.
Vincent Lambe’s tactful, powerful recreation of the Jamie Bulger case – the before and after of the infamous child murder – turns the spotlight on our response to incomprehensible horror, says Alex Dudok de Wit.
At the eighth edition of this dynamic event in York, creatives at the forefront of film technology, from VFX to animation to VR, inspired audiences with their work and their stories, reports Alex Dudok de Wit.