Sight & Sound articles


81 - 90 of 276


  • Millennial filmmakers peer ahead

    How now for startup filmmakers? Bidisha talks to seven young talents exhibiting at the finale of the touring Playback Festival in association with Channel 4’s First Acts scheme.

    Saturday 24 March 2018


  • From the Magazine

    London’s Cinema Museum is keeping cinephilia alive. Can it be saved?

    The threatened sale of the south London premises of the Cinema Museum would sacrifice a rare, grassroots collection of cinephile memorabilia – and a key community resource – to the forces of property speculation, write Matthew Harle and Jack Wormell.

    Matthew Harle, Jack Wormell
    Friday 16 March 2018


  • All tease, no tale: Hollywood’s misplaced lady lands

    The dumping-to-Netflix of Alex Garland’s women-led sci-fi thriller Annihilation, like the elided matriarchies of Wonder Woman, Thor: Ragnarok and Godless, suggests that cinema’s gatekeepers still aren’t ready to see any vision of women in charge, says Charlotte Richardson Andrews.

    Charlotte Richardson Andrews
    Thursday 15 March 2018


  • Tea, toast and tingles: Phantom Thread for ASMR lovers

    The noises that infuriate Daniel Day-Lewis’s Reynolds Woodcock provoke an entirely different reaction in the online ASMR community of soothing noise fans, discovers Sara Bivigou.

    Sara Bivigou
    Monday 5 March 2018


  • From the Magazine

    Girl friends on film: the rare case of lifelike female friendships on the big screen

    While male ‘buddy’ movies are a genre to themselves, films about women’s relationships are remarkable for their scarcity – to say nothing of those that dare to depict the bonds of female kinship in the round, writes Hannah McGill.

    Monday 5 March 2018


  • Black Panther to the rescue?

    Will Marvel’s new black superhero blockbuster prove a cultural watershed, or a corporate alibi, asks Kofo Owokoniran?

    Kofo Owokoniran
    Thursday 22 February 2018


  • From the Magazine

    The Touch: Ingmar Bergman’s most misunderstood masterwork?

    It’s time to recognise Bergman’s little-seen English-language story of a doomed affair as a major entry in the director’s canon, writes Geoff Andrew.

    Wednesday 21 February 2018


  • From the Magazine

    Keeping the faith: what Ingmar Bergman means now

    As a major London retrospective marks Ingmar Bergman’s centenary, Catherine Wheatley asks whether our new age of uncertainty is a fitting moment for audiences to reconnect with the fearsome visions of spiritual longing and loss found in the director’s Faith Trilogy?

    Saturday 10 February 2018


  • Listen to the actress: Annette Bening, directly

    Against the backdrop of breaking Harvey Weinstein disclosures, the star of The Grifters and Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool held forth on stage at the London Film Festival – bringing home how rare it is for women in the industry to be truly heard, writes Thirza Wakefield.

    Friday 24 November 2017


  • From the Magazine

    Tears and laughter: 10 female stars of Golden Age Japanese cinema

    Many of the greatest post-war Japanese films owe much of their power and sophistication to their leading ladies as they explore the experiences of women struggling to find their place in a conservative culture in social and technological flux. Alexander Jacoby profiles ten headline actresses for our latest Deep Focus season.

    Thursday 16 November 2017

    Deep Focus

81 - 90 of 276


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