Measuring success

The key performance measures evaluating the BFI’s contribution to the further economic and cultural success of film.

The BFI will capture and disseminate, through the work of the BFI Research & Statistics Unit, a wide range of qualitative and quantitative information about film in the UK which, taken together, will track the performance of UK film and provide important information for the whole of the film sector.

For the BFI, we aim to measure our contribution to the further economic and cultural success of film through our strategy for which there are 13 key performance measures which can be tracked through the life of this strategy online at

By 2022 we will have:

  • Increased the diversity of audiences and talent supported across all BFI activities
  • Increased engagement with BFI activities across the UK and increased the quality and cultural depth of their experience
  • Increased participation of 16-30 year olds across all BFI activities and funded programmes
  • Increased access to the BFI’s National Film Archive and those of the regions and Nations
  • Further conserved and digitised the most at-risk materials within the BFI National Film Archive, notably video and television
  • Ensured the opportunity to learn about the art of film in school
  • Improved employers' ability to recruit a skilled workforce across the UK
  • Supported talent to progress in their filmmaking careers
  • Funded a range of innovative and pioneering moving image work intended for a variety of platforms
  • Supported British films and British talent which have received recognition domestically and internationally
  • Invested in start-up film businesses outside of London which have leveraged additional investment and increased levels of employment
  • Supported a greater geographic spread of inward investment production in the UK
  • Supported an economic and cultural environment that keeps the UK film industry internationally competitive