Financial plan

A breakdown of the budget and funds that will support the strategic priorities.

The BFI is a charity. The income available to us to deliver our charitable activities comes from the following sources:

  • Government Grant in Aid (primarily DCMS with some project-specific funding from DfE)
  • National Lottery funds designated for film (including return on investments)
  • Income earned by the BFI
  • Sponsorship and philanthropy

Self-generated income

Income generated by the BFI represents nearly 30 per cent of the total annual funds available to us. It is the most significant contributor to safeguarding the BFI National Archive, increasing knowledge and access, and delivering the BFI’s cultural programme in cinemas and online.

The BFI has a good record of increasing its self-generated income, which is crucial to helping us deliver our overall strategy. We have set ourselves the extremely challenging target of 20 per cent growth in income over the next five years. Our growth plans will involve greater commercialisation of the BFI’s estate and expansion of other commercial activities.

Sponsorship and philanthropy form a cornerstone of our self-generated income. In addition to the need to significantly increase our fundraising revenue, this period will see the launch of an ambitious capital fundraising campaign to build a new home for the BFI. With the support of a mobilised and committed International Development Council and board of governors, we intend to: grow income from trusts and foundations; increase revenue from individual donors through the patrons scheme and other philanthropy schemes; and sustain revenue from corporate sponsors.

Government funding

Grant in Aid for BFI activities is confirmed annually. Following the Government Spending Review in 2015 we have an indication of our funding until March 2020. However, it is not confirmed and may change.

DfE funding for BFI Film Academies is confirmed annually. The BFI Film Academy programme is essential to our skills development initiative and we will be working with DfE to seek commitment to the programme beyond March 2017.

Lottery funding

Lottery funding is made up of:

  • Income from Lottery ticket sales
  • Return on investments made in film productions and interest on funds on deposit
  • Release of BFI Lottery reserves

Lottery income is dependent on National Lottery ticket sales now and in the future. Given the recent volatility in income and the scale of our reserves, the BFI cannot guarantee that it will be able to fully support all proposed Lottery-funded programmes over the course of the 2022 strategy period. To help provide greater financial certainty for our strategic plans, the BFI has increased its reserve of Lottery funds as a buffer against shortfalls in income.

Proposed budget 2017-22 – Table 1

We have set a five-year budget of £488.8m to support our three strategic priorities as follows:

Five-year budget of £488.8m to support three strategic priorities

The charts below set out how the budgeted income supports investment for the period to 2022 (also see Table 1).

Future audiences

Budget £238.8m

Pie chart showing the budget breakdown for Future audiences

Future learning and skills

Budget £58.5m

Pie chart showing the budget breakdown for Future learning and skills

Future talent

Budget £140.1m

Pie chart showing the budget breakdown for Future talent

Leadership, research, certification and delivery

Budget £51.4m

Pie chart showing the budget breakdown for Leadership, research, certification and delivery

Programme activity

Strategic Priority 1: Future Audiences

Great filmmaking for audiences everywhere

Programme title: Film Audience Network Fund
Total £15m

The Film Audience Network is made up of eight regional and national hub lead organisations (HLO) providing a comprehensive geographic reach across the UK with the aim of increasing the breadth and depth of film available to audiences. The network develops and funds audience-facing projects at a local level.

Programme title: Audience Development Fund
Total £30.8m

The Audience Fund funds national projects and organisations to meet and reach our priority audience objectives. It is a simplified and flexible fund which supports partners to deliver nationwide high-impact audience engagement events and programmes, as well as year-round activity, with the core objective of reaching young and priority audiences.

Programme title: Film Heritage
Total £13.5m

The long-term goal is to make the UK’s entire screen heritage digitally accessible. Working with regional archives; the preservation of obsolete formats in critical condition; providing mass access to special collections (posters, designs, press books and scripts); the collecting and managing of key data.

Programme title: BFI Cultural Programme
Total £179.5m

Managing the BFI National Archive, increasing knowledge and access, and delivering the BFI’s cultural cross-platform programme.

Strategic Priority 2: Future Learning and Skills

Giving everyone the educational opportunity to build a lifelong relationship with film and consider a career in film

Programme title: Into Film
Total £24m

The scheme promotes watching, making and understanding film for 5-19 year olds with special focus on film clubs.

Programme title: Film Audience Network (Education)
Total £1m

Supporting the delivery of the education strategy across the FAN network.

Programme title: BFI Education Southbank and other venue-based learning
Total £5m

Ongoing education programme delivering the BFI in-venue education strategy.

Programme title: BFI Film Academy
Total £7.5m

The BFI Film Academy offers the opportunity for talented 16-19 year olds to develop the specialist filmmaking skills they need to be part of the future of the UK film industry – no matter where they’re from or what their background.

Programme title: National Cluster Growth Fund (Skills)
Total £3.5m

Support for cluster-specific skills initiatives.

Programme title: Skills
Total £17.5m

The Skills Fund aims to support a clearly signposted, industry-backed and adequately funded professional skills framework with clear progression pathways through the creative screen industry.

Strategic Priority 3: Future Talent

Supporting creative and influential filmmakers whose work is admired throughout the world

Programme title: Production Fund
Total £79.5m

The Film Fund supports emerging or world-class filmmakers in the UK who demonstrate the ability to create distinctive and entertaining work. Investment will be across the production and completion of feature films, by supporting talent and supporting productions across the UK.

Programme title: Development Fund
Total £12.5m

The Film Fund supports emerging or world-class filmmakers in the UK who demonstrate the ability to create distinctive and entertaining work. Investment will be across development and by supporting talent.

Programme title: Talent Development
Total £12.5m

Supporting emerging talent across the UK from the early stages of their career to the development of their first feature-length work.

Programme title: Vision Awards
Total £4m

Supporting a new generation of diverse, ambitious film producers around the UK, providing funding to build up and strengthen their development slates.

Programme title: International Fund
Total £10.6m

Funding to ensure the UK’s economic position and cultural role for UK film internationally.

Programme title: Enterprise Fund
Total £10m

This will be a new scheme whereby we support enterprise and innovation in smaller, higher risk start-up companies working across the screen industries outside London.

Programme title: National Cluster Growth Fund
Total £2m

Awards to regional consortia to support growth of the screen economy in their locality through research and proof of concept programmes.

Programme title: British Certification and Tax Relief
Total £2.5m

The certification unit manages the process for applicants wanting to qualify their film, high-end television programme, animation programme, children’s television programme or video game as British in order to access the UK’s creative sector tax reliefs.

Programme title: Location Services England
Total £4m

A joined-up and comprehensive service providing locations, crewing, studio sourcing, filming permissions and access to regional infrastructure services, to all international and domestic feature film and television production throughout England.

Programme title: Creative Europe Desk UK
Total £2.5m

Creative Europe Desk UK promotes awareness and understanding of the Creative Europe Programme, and provides free advice and support for applicants from the UK. Creative Europe Desk UK’s team of specialists is based across the UK (in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast).

Leadership, research, certification and delivery

Programme title: Research and Statistics Fund
Total £3m

The Research and Statistics Fund will support data collection, analysis and research into the UK screen sectors, audiences and the wider cultural and economic value of the moving image. Priorities will be to increase and improve the quality and impact of evidence underpinning decisions on the future of the sector; foster strategic collaboration between public policymakers, industry, academia and wider screen industry stakeholders; and disseminate findings so they are readily available for the benefit of a wide range of users.