BFI National Archive enquiry

Contact us about the BFI National Archive and access to the collections.

You can find out more about the BFI National Archive online. It’s also worth reading our frequently asked questions and how to search the BFI archive before you get in touch.

Access to film and TV materials

Once you know that we hold a copy of the film or TV programme, you may be able to view the film on BFI premises. We regret that we’re unable to respond to requests for bespoke DVD copies, and copyright restrictions prevent us from selling copies.

See our help with access to moving image collections page.

Special Collections

The BFI’s Special Collections include the papers of individuals and organisations, stills, posters, costume and production designs, animation cels and promotional material, and many other unpublished items, including scripts, storyboards and autographed letters. You can contact our Special Collections team.

Donating materials to the Archive

For enquiries about donating film or television materials to the archive, please contact our Curatorial Archivists.