Based on a short story by Sheridan Le Fanu, Schalcken the Painter was originally shown in the Omnibus strand on BBC 2 during Christmas 1979. The story follows a young seventeenth century Flemish painter Godfried Schalcken, who forsakes love for ambition, but discovers that there is still a terrible price to pay for his choice.
One of the most frequently requested programmes in the BBC archive, Schalcken the Painter is an exquisitely shot, atmospheric horror film which explores the uneasy, dark relationship between art, commerce and erotic desire. The superb cast includes Jeremy Clyde, Maurice Denman and Cheryl Kennedy.
Newly transferred to High Definition from the film materials preserved in the BFI National Archive, the release includes such as the rare, experimental Edgar Allan Poe adaptation, The Pit (1962), assistant directed by Peter Collinson.
Special features
- World premiere release on any home video format.
- Presented in both High Definition and Standard Definition.
- The Pit (1962, Edward Abraham, 25 min): experimental gothic short adapted from Edgar Allen Poe’s tale The Pit and the Pendulum.
- The Pledge (Digby Rumsey, 1982, 22 min): a dark tale of death and friendship, featuring a score by Michael Nyman.
- Look Into the Dark (2013, 40 min): the director of Schalcken the Painter discusses his career and influences.
- Fully illustrated booklet with original essays and complete film credits.
Product information
DVD region
2 Europe (except Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus), Middle East, Egypt, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland, French Overseas departments and territories
Blu-ray region
B - Includes most European and Middle-Eastern countries, all of Africa, Australia and New Zealand
Catalogue number